Dial-A-Ride and other transportation services help Bristol and Plainville seniors to live independently.
Transportation is Provided To:
- Medical appointments (scheduling priority)
- Grocery stores
- Social engagements
- Bristol & Plainville senior centers
Call (860) 589.6968 for an appointment. Walk-ins also welcome.
- Bristol residents: Age 55+ or disabled
- Plainville residents: Age 60+, Plainville Senior Center members
Transportation Hours (Monday - Friday)
- First pick-up: 8:45 am
- Last pick-up: 1:00 pm
- Return trips can be any time until 3:00 pm
- No van service on holidays and when the Bristol school system is closed.
To Arrange Service:
- Call (860) 589.6968 at least 24-48 hours ahead of time
- Rides must be reserved by 11:00 am the day prior
- Be prepared to give the rider’s full name, telephone number, appointment time, and destination address
“For those of us who don’t drive, Dial-a-Ride is a godsend. It allows us to do the things we need to do and wouldn't be able to do otherwise. You are always so pleasant, thoughtful and helpful to me. I can’t begin to tell you how very much I appreciate it and all that you do for me. THANK YOU!!!”
–Fran Martin
- North Central Area Agency on Aging (NCAAA)
- CT Department of Social Services, Aging Services Division
- AAA study: Seniors need more talk about driving safely
Program funded by the CT Department of Transportation, North Central Area Agency on Aging (NCAA), Cities of Bristol & Plainville, CT.